École des Mines Mouna El Hafi
Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés des Solides Divisés
       Ecole des Mines d'Albi Carmaux
       Centre Energétique-Environnement
       Campus Jarlard, route de Teillet
       81 013 ALBI CT Cedex 09
(33) 5 63 49 31 49
(33) 5 63 49 31 27
(33) 5 63 49 32 43

Mouna El Hafi
français  français      english  english


In numerous processes, radiation is a significant and even a dominant factor. Examples include combustion systems like boilers, engines, rocket drive units or gas turbines, material production processes (for glass, metals or fired materials), or waste treatment processes such as incineration or vitrification. As a general rule, the effects of radiation are not sufficiently taken into account in these systems (apart from in glass-melting furnaces), despite its influence on energy yields, emissions of pollutants and the quality of the material produced.

Given this context, the objectives of the Radiation and Processes Programme are as follows :

  • Gain a better understanding of the process of exchange by radiation in complex systems (radiation-chemistry couplings, flow-radiation of particles, etc.)

  • Develop models and simulations of transfers by radiation in processes, focussing initially on combustion systems.

  • Develop non-intrusive diagnostic methods in order to validate models and to propose means for on-line process control (inverse methods) in collaboration with the Materials Research centre (CROMEP).

Problems are treated with a multi-disciplinary approach through collaboration in a variety of fields: physics (LESETH), combustion (CERFACS), computing (IRIT) and process (IMP).

research group
Groupe Rayonnement en séminaire à Rofiac